这句话怎么说(时事篇) 第1917期:冯鑫涉嫌犯罪被采取强制措施 暴风集团开盘即跌停

英词吧 人气:1.19W





Feng Xin, chief executive officer of the Beijing-based internet entertainment and technology company Baofeng Group, has been placed under compulsory measures by police over suspected crimes, according to the company's announcement Sunday sent to the Shenzhen Stock Exchange.



compulsory measures是强制措施;suspected crimes是涉嫌犯罪。
据《第一财经》报道,冯鑫被批捕主要涉及暴风集团2016年与光大资本共同发起收购(purchase)的英国体育版权MP&Silva Holdings S.A.,冯鑫在该项目的融资(financing)过程中存在行贿行为(bribery)。
暴风集团在公告中表示,公司管理层将加强管理(strengthen its management),确保公司的稳定和业务正常进行(ensure the stability of the company and the normal operation of its business)。同时,公司将制定(draw up)相应工作管理办法(corresponding management methods)及应急预案(emergency plans),最大限度保障公司各项经营活动平稳运行(ensure the smooth running of the company's activities)
公司将持续关注(pay attention to)上述事件的进展情况,及时履行信息披露义务(fulfill its information disclosure obligations in a timely manner)。
周一,暴风集团股价开盘(opening)即跌停(reach the decline limit),每股(per share)报收5.67元,总市值(total market value)跌至18.7亿元。

这句话怎么说(时事篇) 第1917期:冯鑫涉嫌犯罪被采取强制措施 暴风集团开盘即跌停

